About the El Paso County Housing Authority

The El Paso County Housing Authority was established to help promote the availability of affordable, accessible housing in the county for persons of limited means. The Housing Authority advises the Board of County Commissioners on matters regarding the issuance of bonds for the acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation of single and multi-family residential housing to provide more affordable housing opportunities for residents. In addition, the Authority manages the Housing Trust Fund, which was established to provide funding to agencies with experience in the design and administration of innovative programs that address local housing needs.

El Paso County Housing Authority has proudly been serving our community in El Paso County, CO, since 1993

El Paso County Housing Authority offers the Pikes Peak DPA first mortgage, down payment and closing cost assistance program (Pikes Peak DPA) to eligible First Time Homebuyers through a network of approved Participating Lenders.

Participating Lenders originate, underwrite, close, fund in their loan origination systems, and deliver all closed Program loans to US Bank Home Mortgage for purchase. In addition, Program loans (all first mortgage and second mortgages and grant programs) are reserved/locked, underwriter certified, and final Program closing documents pulled from the eHousingPlus eHPortal.

eHousingPlus (eHousing)

  • Provides eHPortal, a reservation and reporting system utilized by Participating Lenders in the Pikes Peak DPA Program.
  • Offers eHPortal training for all Participating Lenders, assistance with the reservation system and assists Participating Lenders with Program questions and requirements.
  • Provides eHP Digital Docs, a secure electronic file delivery system in which Participating Lenders upload compliance files and any missing documentation noted through eHousing’s compliance review based on the eligibility requirements set forth in this Program Guide.
  • Assists Participating Lenders with submitting Compliance Review Fees through eHousing’s online payment system, eHPay.
  • Review and approve the compliance file.

US Bank Home Mortgage (US Bank)

  • Serves as master servicer of all first and second mortgage loans originated in the Pikes Peak DPA Program.
  • Provides training to Participating Lenders regarding the delivery and purchase requirements of all first and second mortgage loans.
  • Offers assistance with loan delivery requirements to Participating Lenders.
    • Notifies Participating Lenders of any collateral file exceptions on delivered loans.
  • Review and purchase the mortgage file.

Raymond James

Kutak Rock